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There are countless reasons why it is beneficial to use video to advertise your business or market your services. You only need to google “why should I use video on my website” and you’ll find hundreds of good blog posts listing the benefits such as increased traffic on your website, higher SEO rankings and better engagement with your customers. Also, there are many statistics based around video marketing. But we believe it simply comes down to this; what do people want to see? What do they want to find out when they visit your website?

Videos are by far the quickest way that people can access this sort of information. The sort of information that shows just what your business does and the services you provide. We are very impatient people in the modern world and when browsing the internet, we don’t want to spend lots of time trawling through paragraphs of information. It’s just not good use of time and very quickly our attention drifts onto something new. How many people are still reading this post we wonder?

How Videos Can Transform User Experience on Websites

From our experience when searching for new products or browsing business websites, we give the page a quick scan, we glance at all the imagery and the layout of the page and then hopefully our eyes are directed to the first video we can find. We watch the video, whether that’s a product advert or a video that demonstrates what the product can do for us and we take all that information in. More often than not, particularly if it’s an engaging well-made video, we make our decisions if we want to find out more….

’Wow that’s an interesting looking product now I’ll click to read some more information about it, perhaps read some customer reviews or give them a call to see what they can do for us’ If we’re saying that then the video has clearly done its job effectively and got us engaged with what it’s advertising or marketing. This is the sort of engagement you want people to be grasping when visiting your website. People throw around phrases such as “an image can tell a thousand words”, but if this is the case then how many words can a video tell?

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Sure, well written text is great too. As writers of this post we love to write and we also read through a lot of text on the web but we certainly watch more videos than anything else. But hey we’re a video production company so of course we’re going to say that. Don’t just take our word for it…head to google and see what everyone else is saying about online videos. Have a think about your own habits when searching for products and services online. Perhaps you’re directed to the nearest video too.

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